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Post Types


While developing your theme, you may need to create your own specific content type: for example, products for an e-commerce website, assignments for an e-learning website, or movies for a review website.

Using Custom Post Types, you can register your own post type. Once a custom post type is registered, it gets a new top-level administrative screen that can be used to manage and create posts of that type.

Flush Permalinks

WPN will not flush permalinks as this has a negative impact on performance. After you have registered a public post type you should flush permalinks yourself by simply saving permalink settings in the wp-admin menu.

Registering a post type

Post types can be registered within a service provider. In this example we are using the AppServiceProvider.

Calling the register method of the WPN\PostType class will handle the post type registration with the given parameters. Here we will create a post type called product (names are slugified when creating the post type) which supports titles, content and featured images.


namespace App\Providers;

use WPN\App;
use WPN\Providers\ServiceProvider;
use WPN\PostType;

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
protected function boot( App $app ) {
$app->init( __DIR__ . '/config.php' );

PostType::register( 'Products',
supports: [

Post type args

The third parameter of the register method allows for an array of arguments for the post type. For an exhaustive list of arguments available, you can visit the WordPress' documentation.


namespace App\Providers;

use WPN\App;
use WPN\Providers\ServiceProvider;
use WPN\PostType;

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
protected function boot( App $app ) {
$app->init( __DIR__ . '/config.php' );

PostType::register( 'Products',
supports: [
args: [
'show_in_rest' => false