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The Basics


Administration Menus are the interfaces displayed in WordPress Administration. They allow you to add option pages for your plugin or theme.

The Top-level menus are rendered along the left side of the WordPress Administration. Each menu may contain a set of Sub-menus.

When deciding between Top-level menus and Sub-menus think carefully about the needs of your plugin as well as the needs of your end users.

Register Admin Menus

Admin menus can be register inside the boot method of the AppServiceProvider. The callback for the menu can be either a Closure or a class which implements the WPN\Support\Admin\MenuCallback interface.


namespace App;

use WPN\App;
use WPN\Providers\ServiceProvider;
use WPN\Support\Admin\Menu;
use App\Http\Controllers\ThemeAdminMenu;

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
protected function boot( App $app ) {
$app->init( __DIR__ . '/config.php' );

Menu::register( 'Testing Menu', ThemeAdminMenu::class );

When you register your menu, you can set the position as the 3rd parameter and the menu icon as the 4th, like so:

Menu::register( 'Testing Menu', ThemeAdminMenu::class, 4, 'dashicons-admin-users' );

Admin Menu Callbacks

Callbacks can either be a Closure or a class which implements the WPN\Support\Admin\MenuCallback interface.

Class Callback Example


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use WPN\Support\Admin\MenuCallback;

class ThemeAdminMenu implements MenuCallback {
public function __invoke(): void {
echo '<h1>Hello</h1>';

Inside your callback function or __invoke method, you can use the render_component helper function to render the template for your menu.

If you need to save data from the menu, you should send a request to the page and deal with the request inside the callback.

Submenus can be added when registering the admin menu, you may also use the WPN\Support\Admin\Submenu class to register a submenu onto an already existing menu.

Adding submenus to registered menu


namespace App;

use WPN\App;
use WPN\Providers\ServiceProvider;
use WPN\Support\Admin\Menu;
use App\Http\Controllers\ThemeAdminMenu;

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
protected function boot( App $app ) {
$app->init( __DIR__ . '/config.php' );

Menu::register( 'Testing Menu', ThemeAdminMenu::class )
->submenu( 'Testing Menu', ThemeAdminMenu::class )
->submenu( 'Submenu 2', function () {
echo '<h1>Third</h1>';
} );

Adding submenu to already declared menu

You can add submenus to other plugins menus by calling WPN\Support\Admin\Submenu. The 2nd parameter would be the parent menu's slug.

Here is an example of adding to the Woocommerce menu.


namespace App;

use App\Http\Controllers\ThemeAdminMenu;
use WPN\App;
use WPN\Providers\ServiceProvider;
use WPN\Support\Admin\Submenu;

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
protected function boot( App $app ) {
$app->init( __DIR__ . '/config.php' );

Submenu::register( 'My New Menu', 'woocommerce', ThemeAdminMenu::class );